Dream Pod 9

Friday, November 12, 2010

Standing Quadriceps Stretch

Here is a great stretch for the quadriceps called the Standing Quadriceps Stretch.

How to perform the stretch: 
Stand upright on one foot (either left or right).  Bend the other leg and grab the foot with the hand that is closest.   Try to bend the leg so that the heel of the lifted foot comes close to the bum. If you can't touch your butt, get as close as you comfortably can without causing pain. Keep your body upright throughout the stretch. Hold for 20- 30 seconds. Repeat using the other leg.
** Beginners  may want to use a wall for balance. 

When to perform the stretch:
Stretching should never be done without a good warm-up.  I typically will use this stretch after running.

If done properly the stretch will improve your balance, stretch your quadriceps and add strength to your core.

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